

Did you know that mare is a female horse?

You will find plenty of information on mare's milk on these pages. Since we are only at the beginning of our bussines quest please forgive us for any inconsistencies you may find. We shall try to answer any of your questions in the FAQ section (Frequently Asked Questions) of this site as soon as possible. Mare’s milk conains nutrients that are very different in content from cow's, sheep's or goat's milk. The main differences are:

  • less fat and protein
  • greater percentage of non-saturated fat
  • more albumins and less globulins
  • faster and more easily digestible
  • large content of milk sugars
  • low energy content
Consuming mare's milk helps us to balance our immune system which leads to a better quality of life. In most cases, regular consumption of mare's milk can lessen or even irradicate health problems associated with allergies, skin diseases, and diseases of the digestive track ...